Image Details
Clicking on the Details link from the image list will bring
you to the Image Details page, where you can find the same information
that a PC user would find by right-clicking on an image. This includes
the full URL, width & height (in pixels), file type, and file size (in
bytes) of the image.
From there, you can follow any of these four links:
URL of the Image
Brings you to the image itself. This can be useful when you want to
find the full URL of an image and pass it into another web-based tool
that uses a "Show last URL" button similar to the one on WebScissors.
Edit Image
Offers you a list of online editing tools that you can use to edit the
selected image. Choosing one of the buttons will send you to that tool,
with the selected image pre-loaded.
Transload Image
Offers you a list of transloader services that you can use to move the
selected image to your external web site account (at GeoCities or Tripod,
for example). Choosing one of the buttons will send you to that tool,
with the selected image pre-loaded.
Preview as Background
Brings you to a page that shows what the image would look like when used as
a web page background.
Back to Image List
Brings you back to the Image List, so that you can import it to your scrapbook
or continue perusing the other images on the page.